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  • Aluminium rulers flat 1mm with round edge
  • Aluminium rulers flat 1mm with round edge

Aluminium rulers flat 1mm with round edge

VAT excluded

Flat aluminium rulers are sophisticated promotional items for special customers.

Your individual desired scales - also available as crack width gauge or 4-scalar reduction ruler.

Aluminium rulers with your weaving in the hard-wearing Eloxal printing process.
High-quality, noble advertising gifts for special customers.
Scratch-resistant silver anodised aluminium metal. Printable on both sides as reduction ruler in many colours.

Flat 1mm aluminium advertising rulers with precisely printed scales in our proven, hard-wearing anodised printing process.

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Aluminium rulers 1mm flat

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Available dimensions, weight/p. & stand sketches - data sheets for download:

width: 3cm 4cm 5cm
length: 16cm | 13gr.
21cm | 18gr.
31cm | 26gr.
41cm | 36gr.
16cm | 18gr.
21cm | 23gr.
31cm | 34gr.
41cm | 46gr.
16cm | 22gr.
21cm | 29gr.
31cm | 42gr.
41cm | 58gr.

Special formats possible at any time - also special colours such as gold, silver or chrome.
Excellent as a high-quality promotional gift for architects and engineers.

An exclusive promotional gift only for professionals

Printing process:

Anodised printing for value-retaining scatter advertising made of aluminium with an advertising message that lasts for years.
This noble print is particularly attractive, abrasion and scratch resistant. It stands up to many years of use - even against oils and thinners.

This printing process is similar to screen printing - only with appropriate preparation and extremely high-quality inks. We use it exclusively for anodised aluminium. The ink is enclosed in the anodised layer and thus achieves excellent resistance. Before printing, the surface is chemically opened in the areas to be printed. After the printing process, the material is "finished" anodised (compacted or boiled down). This means that a thin anodised layer is created by this subsequent working process, which includes the print. This ensures durable prints, even when exposed to scratching, solvents or disinfectants.

* Prroce example per piece with the following configuration:
1000 pieces 160x30x1mm, 1/0-colour printed, without VAT, free delivery.

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GPSR: Manufacturer of this product: Mathias Wickles Kornweg 6a 92421 Schwandorf Tel: 0163 2804787 Mail: