indestructible advertising ruler YOGI
  • indestructible advertising ruler YOGI
  • Extremely flexible ruler
  • viele Linealfarben verfügbar
  • Yogi, unkaputtbares Kunststofflineal mit Ihrer Werbung
  • Yogi - auch gelocht zum Abheften
  • indestructible advertising ruler YOGI

indestructible advertising ruler YOGI

VAT excluded

a super flexible, indestructible advertising ruler

While aluminium rulers bend and plastic rulers buckle or break, this ruler can withstand almost anything that can happen in a school bag. The fun & play factor is enormous.
We also always use this ruler to relieve stress as it virtually invites you to bend it.


  • 106x34x3mm
  • 131x34x3mm
  • 156x34x3mm
  • 206x34x3mm
  • 314x34x3mm

Check price & availability


Ultraflexible Werbelineale

Please quickly offer ultra-flexible advertising rulers:
your name:
your mail:
Quantity requested | from 250 pieces:

More info for us:


* Price example per piece with the following configuration:
1000 pieces 156x34x3mm, advertising print as embossing black, without VAT, free delivery.

A masterpiece from Germany

Free from plasticisers and pphthalates, Standardgraph has managed to develop this almost indestructible "Twist & Swing" ruler.
Twist & Swings from Standardgraph are completely unbreakable and can be bent indefinitely,
PVC-free, food-safe and phthalate-free.

Dimensions Scales

0-10 / 5-0-5
0-12 / 6-0-6
0-15 / 7,5-0-7,5
0-20 / 10-0-10
0-30 / 15-0-15

blue, red, green, orange, yellow
black, white, colourless - transparent
neon pink, neon yellow, neon violet
pastel purple, pastel turquoise, pastel pink, pastel mint

The lightproof rulers in black, white or some other colours can only be printed digitally.
For all other rulers, you can also have your advertising print embossed on the underside with the scale.

With the Yogi you literally "wrap" your customers ;-)

Kontakt per Whats AppKontakt per Maileinfach anrufen

GPSR: Manufacturer of this product: Mathias Wickles Kornweg 6a 92421 Schwandorf Tel: 0163 2804787 Mail: